
Posts Tagged ‘Apocalypse now’

John Milius, the man who wrote the screenplay for Apocalypse Now with Francis Ford Coppola, has written a screenplay for a new Genghis Khan movie that is supposed to begin filming next year. Genghis Khan is arguably the most badass human being of all time and Apocalypse Now is arguably the most badass movie of all time. I don’t really need to explain how awesome this movie could potentially be. If this ends up being half as good as I think it will be then it won’t be long before we take over the world just like we said we were going to. I would work on this project for free and I am going to try to figure out how I can get involved with this. If I can’t then I will grow a fu-manchu and fuck up the San Dimas mall with a baseball bat. It is good to know that there are other people out there who are as down with Genghis Khan as I am. Mongol Empire fucking runs shit. I am ahead of my time just like Genghis Khan was.


Here is a BBC documentary that you should watch about Genghis Khan


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